Park View Manor
Tired of mowing and shoveling? Property taxes getting a little overwhelming? Utility bills to high? Are some days long and lonely? Why not consider an apartment at Park View Manor. Park View Manor, is a place where old friends can be together and new friends are made. Park View Manor is conveniently located two city blocks from downtown Viroqua, close to the library, medical clinics, pharmacies and hospital and taxi service is available. Tenants can enjoy the privacy of their own apartment or they can join in the activities organized by the Resident Council. The tenant organization sponsors activities such as Bingo, potluck dinners, holiday parties, and more.
Park View Manor serves as one of the Vernon County meal sites, a program administered through the Vernon County Aging Unit. Meals are served daily, Monday through Thursday (suggested donation).
The Viroqua Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and Staff pride themselves in their ongoing efforts to make Park View Manor more than a place to live…..this is your home. Give us a call. Our staff is waiting to give you a tour, answer your questions and assist you in the application process.
Family Housing
Are you spending much more than your budget will allow on rent? Do you ever feel like you will never dig out from under all the financial burden you are facing? Maybe we can help, The Viroqua Housing Authority takes pride in providing safe, clean, affordable housing for families in the City of Viroqua.
Our two, three, four, and five-bedroom units are scattered throughout the city and are well maintained to blend in with each neighborhood. The low-income family housing program has proven to be an effective tool in assisting families on the road to self-sufficiency.
This is a place where you and your family can come together and bond, feel safe and grow. Having a place to call home is so important to your growth in raising your family and becoming self-sufficient.
Bad Axe Apartments
The Viroqua Housing Authority serves as the management agency for the Bad Axe Apartments. The Bad Axe Apartments consist of eleven units furnished with stove and refrigerator, and it is conveniently located near the downtown area. For more information about the Bad Axe Apartments, call the Viroqua Housing Authority.
How To Apply
To be considered for a unit, you must first fill out an application. Applications are available at the housing authority office or on this website. When the application is returned, staff at the housing authority screen for certain factors such as past rental, credit, and criminal history, including the state and national sex offender registry. When an applicant is found to be eligible, they are then placed on a waiting list for the appropriate size unit.
Some people think we manage all low income housing in Vernon County and the City of Viroqua but we only manage the properties listed.
Do you have Section 8 program?
No. Allegiant Property Management, LLC handles all Vernon County Section 8. Their number is (608) 784-1381.